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The Armor and Arms Club

Announcement of Dinner Meeting, Tuesday June 9th, 2015

We would like to announce our next dinner meeting at the Three West Club located at 3 West 51st Street, just off 5th Avenue and immediately above Rockefeller Center.

The 3 West Club has an agreements with two parking garages nearby, where club members can get reduced rates. Have your paring ticket calidated at the Three West Club.

Centeral Parking, 31 West 52d Street, between 5th and 6th Ave.
Centeral Parking, 155 W. 48th Street >

5:00 PM - Executive Committee
6:00 PM - Cocktail Hour with hors d'oeuvres
7:00 PM - Dinnr
8:00 PM - Meeting (concluded at 9:00 PM)


John R. Hansen, Jr. – President

Dinner Meeting:

The speaker at the meeting will be our member Mr. Bill Ahearn. The lecture will illustrate and will describe certain American, British, Dutch and French flintlock long arms used here.

Mr. Ahearn graduated from the United States Merchant Marine Academy at Kngs Point and retired from the US NAval Reserve as a Lieutenant. Served in the NYCFD and retired as a Chief Engineer of Fireboards and a Lieutenanct. Mr Ahean operated restaurants in NYC for 35 years and is currently in the process of building a restraurant in the Financial District with a opening date scheduled for October.

Let's continue our outstanding attendance records - come to the meeting, bring friends and prospective new members.

The talk promises to be interesting education and well illustrated.

Last Meeting:

We would like to thank our speaker, Dr. Ann Feuerback for the most interesting and educational lecture about The terms "Damascus steel" and "Wootz".