Announcement of Dinner Meeting, Tuesday October 25, 2011
We would like to announce our next dinner meeting at the Three West Club located at 3 West 51st Street, just off 5th Avenue and immediately above Rockefeller Center.
Reduced rate $14.00 parking is available at 250 West 50th Street Between Broadway and 8th Avenue.
Have your parking ticket validated at the Three West Club.
5:00 PM - Executive Committee
6:00 PM - Cocktail Hour with Hors d’oeuvres
7:00 PM - Dinner
8:00 PM - Meeting (concluded at 9:00 PM)
Our speaker will be Mr. Jonathan Tavares. Jonathan will talk about The Morion Helmet, its form, function, and the phenomenon of its popularity in the 16th century. The Morion is one of the best-known types of helmets of the 16th century, familiar to every armor collector and enthusiast. Curiously, the Morion has never been studied in detail, until now.
The talk promises to be interesting and well illustrated.
Jonathan is a graduate student at Bard Graduate School for the Decorative Arts in New York and is completing his Ph.D dissertation on the subject of Samuel Luke Pratt, the most prominent arms and armor dealer in London for four decades, beginning in the late 1830’s. Jonathan’s Master’s thesis focused on the Morion. Jonathan has received a scholarship from the American Society of Arms Collectors and will give another version of his Morion talk to that group at an upcoming meeting.
Jonathan, who has been employed by the Arms and Armor Department of the Metropolitan Museum for five years and has been responsible for undertaking a formal inventory of the department’s collection. In this capacity he has probably handled more of the Met’s collection than the curators! When not pursuing his graduate studies and working in the Arms and Armor Department, Jonathan also teaches courses on the history of design (with as much arms and armor as he can fit in) to undergraduates at the Rhode Island School of Design and graduate students at Bard.
Let’s continue our outstanding attendance records – come to the meeting, bring friends and prospective new members. We would very much appreciate it if you would please send in the enclosed registration form no later than Monday, October 17, 2011. If you do not have a chance to send in your form by the due date, please call us or e-mail us and let us know you are coming so that the caterer can plan accordingly.
The dinner will be $65.00. It will include hors d’oeuvres (cash bar) a fine multi-course dinner, nice dessert and coffee & tea.
Our meeting date also coincides with The International Fine Art and Antiques Show at the Seventh Regiment Armory, Park Avenue and 66th Street, where our member Peter Finer always has a splendid display. Our members may obtain free admission by mentioning Peter’s name and the Armor and Arms Club.
We would like to thank our speaker at the last meeting Mr. Bayley Silleck who gave a very interesting and educational lecture on the history of Francis Bannerman Sons. Mr. Silleck also spoke about his documentary which is in production.
NEXT MEETING - The next meeting will be announced.
I look forward to seeing you at the meeting.
John R. Hansen, Jr. – President
P.S. Everyone is encouraged to bring their favorite Bannerman item to share with the members.
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